im not submitting this to any kind of collab because fuck you
Whatever collab would want this?
I am sorry to say, and I do not like to curse people out other than my friends. But that was the most stupidest f**king piece of unholy cumdrop sh%tastical garbage ever to be expressed throughout the internet. I am so serious about that. Caramelldansen videos is Platinum Gold times infinity compared to this. Hell, anime english dubbs is better than this. That was so f**king stupid that my vocabulary has died and my brain has failed to express anything smart to say about this.
Whoever thinks this is funny must either be exceedingly high on star weed from unicornville, or a retarded child with ability to shoot snot. I hate to flame you, I really do. But holy geez that SUCKED A$$!
Hear me out...
i put thought into my review here so don't pass me off as a blammer or like some 12 year old who's like OMG HOW COULD U SAY THAT ABOUT SOLID SNAKE. I just didn't think it made sense. It didnt even make nonsense. It didnt make a clever observation nor did it poke fun at the many quirks that are the metal gear universe. It doesnt really offer anything to those who grew up playing the games and cursing the heavens trying to figure out how to beat Psycho Mantis, Solidus, what have you. I don't see what you're getting at my friend so I can't really find the humor in the piece. I invite you to try again if u really care about your work and didnt just put some random thing on Newgrounds to have a giggle. I give you partial credit for taking the time to do a flash movie and hope you take my words to heart and submit more in the future.
That was horrible... But i think if you relly tried you could make you annimation better.
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Seriously, I think that was so not funny that it may have hurt a little to watch. In fact replace the word metal gear with almost any other game and I'm pretty sure it would have still worked.. if that is what you call working.
Don't know how anyone could find this funny... sorry.