Ah, isn't it always the simplest gagets that are the best? I'd hate/love to play with this while on drugs.
Use the arrow keys to move the image. The left and right arrow keys spin choochoo device. The up and down arrows expand and contract the device. I have found the best way to get interesting patterns is to set the rotation at a medium-slow speed, and to alternate between expanding and contracting. This can create some nice looking designs when timed correctly. So put on some music and have some fun!
Ah, isn't it always the simplest gagets that are the best? I'd hate/love to play with this while on drugs.
Oh shnap
I like i was listening to Pink Floyd while i played seems to match great!
wow, i never see nothing like this, looks good... add more things,music and effects..
neat gadget
i agree with ninja add sum music maybe a way to change background and choochoo colors other than that great job.
thats actually really awesome, if this does pass though, i suggest you add some music so it isnt so boring, but other than that, awesome gadget!