great job...
Great job.
So I was watching Tommy Boy recently and one of my favorite scenes is when Chris Farley goes on a rant about what would happen if his client used the "other guys" brake pads. Well its a pretty funny scene and the only thing missing is the visuals to go along with the story. Flash animation to the rescue...I figured I'd give it a shot and this is what I came up with. Hope you enjoy it! Oh and you can check out more of my work at
great job...
Great job.
very nice
I really liked it. The animation good good and every thing. Only problem is that even is I switch to medium quality it always starts to feeze up on me.
Thats exactly how it should have been filmed in the movie! Good animation!
Does the movie justice.
Great depiction of the scene, perfect.
i loved how you depicted the scene from Farley's lines awesome job get some more done