Greetings humans! I am here to supply you with violence to get your adrenalin going without actually doing anything! now, you can have that huge action packed epic feeling in front of your computer! ALL THE FUN OF VIOLENCE, WITHOUT BLEEDING TO DEATH HOLDING YOUR LIVER IN FROM FALLING OUT WHILE BULLETS FLY OVER YOUR HEAD PRAYING TO GOOD SCREAMING FOR YOUR MOM TO GET YOU OUT OF IT ALL!!!!
DON'T make it tudy like the the guy stops hes conpletly freezes, my your films and movies abit longer!
I wanted to make a puase right in the middle of the movie to make it stylish.
wat the
That was it? I suggest a more suitable and dynamic visual presence to be coupled with such great music.
yah.. this is not my best work.
I wish this video had more fighting in it, but thank you for not doing what most people have been and just rotate a stick figure around. Cock joke's been overused quite a bit, some other random thing would have been better, like diabeetus.
Coke Joke will never die.
That cock was disgusting. Honestly, try and have some better animation too. Literally, u should not submit flashes.
Im sorry if it offended you. But I did give a clear warning:
Mild Nudity, Mild Violence, Mild Text