I like green peas, but where can I get some of that. Umm... your plot is incomplete. But I like the way everything was drawn. You may need to work on a loading page too.
just trying to get to grips with flash. green was a bad choice of colour, they look as though their munching on peas when in fact their taking drugs with side effect that include time travel. as mentioned eariler, it's a nutty bit of text.
I like green peas, but where can I get some of that. Umm... your plot is incomplete. But I like the way everything was drawn. You may need to work on a loading page too.
Good start
my biggest suggestion with a file this large is a preloader and I don't know if theres something wrong with my speakers but I didn't hear any audio. Other than that your artwork is really good, I can't wait to see your work again once you've had a little more expirence.
thanks! yeah, i compleatly forgot about the preloader. as i said, i'm redicuosly new to all this so that's deffinatly something to look out for next time. no need to worry about your speakers since there isn't any sound... yeah, there really isn't much to this at all ^^;
Wopuld have been much better
The FPS rate was wayyyyyy too slow, make it much higher
yeah, i think the problem was that i didn't add a loading screen because once it plays through once, it seems to be okay. thanks for the heads up on that though.