I understand what they were going for. These "choose what happens" games or whatever are borderline games in the first place. But here you have very few options and the options all kinda suck
my firsat game thing so ber with me
I understand what they were going for. These "choose what happens" games or whatever are borderline games in the first place. But here you have very few options and the options all kinda suck
Kinda funny. This might be a joke, more I'm hoping that it is, since there is no way to escape at all. Just the unexpected element of it is the best part, and frankly the only positive that this game has to it.
ur first eh?
ok ok ok this may be ur first but all 3 choices kill u!make it so yuo can pass it,put more sound in then "puwh""echo" ok? keep at it and just try again all the plp on ng have been new and all the makers have had thier bad gaems and flashes so stick with it and add things and stuff ok?im looking forward to see if u have flash skills and can stick with this until ur good ok? so hang in there!
pretty good for the first time
Well, i know it is your first movie and all that, but i whink you should add a story like thing at the beggining and have that for the end.
Boooo i really did not like this
This was the biggest waste of my time ever. Do not play this game at all costs . F----