what the fuck was that
Radio has been playing stupid songs in the modern day. So, MP3 players and iPods are the wave of the future in personal playlists.
Made with 3D Movie Maker (3DMM). Not to be confused with an iPhone.
what the fuck was that
I mean the people on the radio are people JUST LIKE YOU.
they deserve to have a voice, JUST LIKE YOU.
and not all of them suck.
Can't you just get into a balance, listen to your iPod AND the radio??
you don't have to make an entire GROUP prostesting them!
and over all, the quality sucked and the flash itself was stupid, I have half a mind to give you a zero, but I won't because I'm nice like that.
You got a point
overall quality wasn't that good but you made a point so i gave you the best i could
Good flash if you're triying to make a point.
The reason im giving him/you a 9 star rating (5) is because you trying to make a point not just some flash for fun. And plus, that was a 3D flash, so you went the extra mile just to prove your point of how modern-day radio are getting way worse (which they are) and tottaly agree with you in fact, im going to give you a ten. ;)
It would be nicer if you became an activist about MP3 players being better than radio. But due to review regulations, I can't give you the URL to my Radio Protesters group on MySpace.
I will however PM the URL to you. BTW, if you join, invite all your friends to that group if they agree with my activism too! I mean, all these music radio stations have to either retire in metropolises altogether, or turn into dedicated traffic information stations as traffic jams are rampantly misunderstood too!
Yes, I believe that was an iPhone (wish I had one!)
I also fully agree with you about how the Radio is sucking in modern days.
If you added a bit more content I believe you could greatly improve this Flash. Maybe adding some more dialogue and more spinning iPhone goodness? lol
Anyway, take care.
I submitted this same video to YouTube, and people are leaving pro-radio comments on it. So, please leave an anti-radio comment on it and say why the iPhone is so revolutionary.
My YouTube username is SamuraiClinton