Not that bad
Not so perfect but ok!
well I continued a part of it the next one is going to be the end of episode 1 and hello to episode 2!
ok lots of time was spent on this so... you know! note: if you seen this in the obits. that is the one i was continueing from it was not blamed. i am just continueing is on this. edit: i nkow it is short and not perfect but deal with it!
Not that bad
Not so perfect but ok!
I love seing aspiring flash creator attempting madness clones. Brings a warm feeling. I know your work can only get better and i cant wait.
All the simple things worth mentioning have already been said, such as frame rate story line, etc. But when cloning madness i think its always good to bring your own touch and maybe eventually characters to the table.
It would make something good, great.
thanks man (+) <--- madness face.)
... a mock frame-by-frame or something?
Learn to TWEEN! It's the bread and butter of any madness cloner. Well, that and ripped off character sheets without proper crediting...
Umm how do you tween madness? just askin.
very good
is very good
Not bad
It was okay... I just think ur story line needs a bit of working on, and increase the frame rate
alrighty i am always open to what need inproved. =)