not very original
Noobs often create threads on the BBS to tell this kind of story. You should add more sound, like a dramatic background music and mouse clicks.
Hamination 4: Abuse of Power.
When Ham gains power, she abuses it and hurts the ones she loves.
Please Note: This is not as long as the other ones, but it is the first one using my new microphone. All sounds and voices are belong to me. And also, any pictures and drawings were also made by me. Enjoy the movie.
ANOTHER NOTE: Sound sync is off. T_T I'll fix it if I can.
not very original
Noobs often create threads on the BBS to tell this kind of story. You should add more sound, like a dramatic background music and mouse clicks.
You are right! I need dramatic music. I will add it and some mouse clicks in when I edit the rest of the sounds. Thank you for your review. :)