So here's the culprit! ;D
Thank you so very much for using my song. It does fit it well.
Please do use more! :D
Simmer down.
I make one hell of a lot of sense.
Watch and enjoy.
O.o Does it need to be longer..?
So here's the culprit! ;D
Thank you so very much for using my song. It does fit it well.
Please do use more! :D
Hmm... Very good...
I felt that it seemed jumpy at times... possibly transitions would help.. It's an overall excellent job.. I enjoyed the panning.. that brought out a new feel from just stuck cameras...
I noticed at times that the lighting seemed to go in and out.. i didn't know if that was supposed to happen, or if it was just s fluke thing...
all-in-all... EXCELLENT!!!
Hehe, thank you!
The lighting... Yeah, that happens when the camera hasnt had time to ajust the aperture after my hand has been ajusting the clay :/
Random but almost Interesting.
I can't say I understood what was going on but the clay animation was an interesting concept that I liked. I couldn't figure out if there was a story or plot being show or if it all was just random actions. If there was a clear plot relating the fiqures together this would be a 10/10.
If I knew what the story was, I could clear things up for you, but I don't so I cant.
I liked the stop-motion, very well done.
(: Thankies muchly.
Very strange. I liked the wand fight. Im not really sure what was goin on here, but I was somehow amused.
Haha, I think I feel the same way about this.