a great concept with an everyone rating! Plus, i'm on the top of today's highscore list!
Use your mouse to guide an orb through the tunnel. Avoid walls and other obstacles at all costs. Click and hold to shrink yourself when navigating through tight spaces. Release to unleash a blast of energy that will destroy any nearby small obstacles. Successfully complete a level to choose a bonus that will assist you along your way.
***If the game runs slow, pause it (top center button) and click disable effects***
a great concept with an everyone rating! Plus, i'm on the top of today's highscore list!
It's cool.
A Different Game. You gotta make sure the yellow ballgets into the walls but the blue ball doesn't get hurt.
Good Game
Slightly repetetive, maybe some more powerups next time. Otherwise, well thought out.
a realy good different game
this is a very fun game but hard and those walls realy buged me.
I enjoyed it
It wasn't epic but It was fun. Good job