Tolu910 and slave01 suck donkey balls :)
Nice movie..they just have to stfu..
And i still dont hate you for saying to me shut the fuck up asshole and more things .. because u said i blammed your movie -.- and u said my movies suck...anyways...
I just didnt blam it -.-
Anyways i am Critic .. So ............I dont care if you say to me i blam your movie..I even dont remember your movie..and if it was not good...And it was just...SUCK..then its not my problem ..make better movies...
Well my critic on this is:
.:Good things:.
Cool drawing
Nice song...Linkin Park-Numb but its remix..(Thats no problem)
.:Bad Things:.
Too short :/
.:Things witch can be bad for your movie but for me they are ok:.
Sticks are old...(But i like em)
You didnt wrote names of moves (Example Flip..but its ok)
So this is about 7/10 3/5
And if you didnt like the review..Its true..and you know it but ur just want to say its cool....