Was it supposed to stay in the silly DDR scene with the target smash music?
Superhuman: Super Dance-Off
Day #15: Hawkeye
Inspired by AfroUnderscoreStud's series Adolf Hitler in Catching ('em) All in 493+ Days. This series follows all of the world's Superheroes AND Supervillains as they both compete for the title of Dance Champion of the World. This is the third and final installment of the series.
After a long day's dance, Ghost Rider decides to call it quits. Now its all up to Hawkeye to please the crowd!
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Was it supposed to stay in the silly DDR scene with the target smash music?
i did not like this movie because i hate movies that use real lif pictures and animation. i did not get the concept ether.
Thats a stupid reason. I suggest you do us all a favor and commit suicide.
And whats not to get? its a dancing contest to see whos the best. are you blind as well as retarded?