It was ok
I kinda like it.
This is a very challenging puzzle game. Once you figure out the
basic pattern it shouldn't be too hard to get good fast.
*New Version
Now includes High Score feature and improved game play.
You have 3 rounds to get the high score.
It was ok
I kinda like it.
Nifty idea
I think this is a cute idea. The graphics are a little rustic but I've never seen a puzzle like this. It's certaintly challenging... I'm too stupid to figure it out.
Nah you're not stupid. It took me a long time myself to get good.
im my opinion...
...this was a really fun and orifinal game. the only thing wrong with it was that it was hard to catch on to the game. though something cool could be that for every level or two to unlock a new skin.
Thanks for the feedback!
Very good ideas.
Yeah I was thinking..
Maybe a pizza, then a cookie, then a doghnut..oh no not a doughnut :)
no game, no score
Um, if I may ask, WHERE'S THE GAME?
I don't know if it's a glitch or if the game's just not there, but without a game to play, this can only get a zero.
Didn't work
Didn't work