Really helpful and just...awesome. Like you're first one! great job!
This tip tutorial includes
more about the Timeline
Special FX
Manuever pages with the two arrow keys at the bottom.
Have fun in this 90+ page tutorial!!!!!!!!
Really helpful and just...awesome. Like you're first one! great job!
What the?
like kris008 said it is basic and anyone can learn what you just showed by mearly 'expirmenting' with flash i thought it would be totally awesome like the first but i was wrong
Great tutorial!
It's all really basic, but, hey, you did say that! Great for beginners, and even some is good for advanced people! So long!
Hey thanks!
Im sorry!!!
I really didnt like this tut, for a start the spelling was terrible..and i thought my spelling was bad!!! It looks like you really rushed this missing out letters from simple words you learn in pre-school.
Secondly it was all very VERY basic stuff which i dont think really needs to be explained, i started using flash about 2 weeks ago now and i fond out all that stuff myself through simple experimenting, within an hour i knew about everything you mentioned in that whole tut.
Ill give you a 2 for atleast attempting but if you make anymore take more time over your spelling and try to atleast do a tut for making somthing proper not loads seperate little things.
This is a beginning tutorial with TIPS! not a real tutorial!
but i will keep that last paragraph in mind.
This mite be a help.:)
Some ways to make your car do what you want and make it look good while its there...sweet. This should be a good help to those that need ideas on how to improve there entries. Nice sound and background FX. all in all nice job.:) 5/10 or ya
Thanks! but the 5/10 is a little harsh.