Terra Defense was created for the Jayisgames Game Design Competition #5. Hope you enjoy!
Need to be finished...
I like the animation of the laser, but i think the rest of the graphic needs a lil bit more of work...
needs a bit of work
it's a very nice game, aspecially the upgrade feature.. a bit more variƫty in the projectiles and a bit more damage would be better, because it was impossible to get all of them done in time for the next :P
pick one... or two... or three... or four :P
asteroids move too fast, planet rotation is too slow, not enough range, too little firepower...
still.. concept is good.. just needs some adjusting :)
Think you might have to give us more range before the asteroids hit. You know, see farther away so you have more time to get them all. You die too quick no matter how fast you are at this game. Loved tt though! It was great!