that fucking kurt cobain scene was fucking wild
UPDATE August 25, 2021: Today, this episode is reinstated on Newgrounds. I removed it a few years back, due to my own personal conflict with the brief Kurt Cobain scene. It's the only thing I've ever done to actually offend myself, at least later in life. But the fans demanded a "complete set" for the episodes, so it's back. Now, for the first time ever, you can watch every single episode ever made, uninterrupted, right here on Newgrounds. I also updated this file to be a higher-quality MP4, free of the old Flash interactivity relics (subtitle buttons, and links to merch mostly no longer available anyway). Feel free to visit for more updates, sporadic as they may be.
Big, fat, jolly Newgrounds TANKS to all of the RAB fans for five hot, sticky, buttery years. Gaze your tired eyes finally upon this twentieth installment, and scratch your head wondering how the hell we've come so far, for so long together. Or just scratch your head wondering WTF is going on in this fucked-up episode, in which case you might need to check out a few of the other ones.
I've seen a lot (too much, really) of crazy shit in my life since 2003! So I figured, why not cram a lot of crazy shit into my 20th RAB flick, too?
Technically of course, it's actually the 22nd one, counting "Magic Animal Babies" and "Engadget Animal Babies" (hunt for it!), but can those two promo-type things really be considered canon? I'm not terribly sure; I barely remember even making them. To be honest I'm not thinking very clearly since I haven't gotten any sleep this weekend trying to finish up this movie in time for Easter.
Enjoy! High five (one finger per year), and who knows... maybe I'll be back with another RAB, assuming I don't mind squandering another week of precious vacation time and a half dozen more weekends... erghh.
that fucking kurt cobain scene was fucking wild
Where is episode 3?
I want a shirt with THIS fucking band on it.
It is good for the time being
Welcome back RAB 20! We've missed you. Still offensive and funny as always.