It could be much better, but It is very addictive.
When the real thing comes out try tomake the graphocs move more smoother!
You can drag Fumpu
IF you LIKE this Game i will make the whole game!!!
it could be a bit slow!
Have fun !
It could be much better, but It is very addictive.
When the real thing comes out try tomake the graphocs move more smoother!
Good idea
but wtf man, this game sucks monkey balls! Its terribly bugged and the music stops.
Bonus for graphics though, they're nice
Needs work.
While this demo will definitely be blammed, you might have something here. I'd recommend putting some more time into making the motions fluid, and when you lose, you should start at the level you were on, not the title screen. Also, the music was pretty annoying, and your character and the grass don't fit in with the whole laser, slime monster thing, and those two together are pushing it as it is. But work put into making it isn't a lost cause, if you want to take the effort.
Stage two seems...
almost impossible... seriously. I really didn't like it due to the graphics themselves, and I didn't know that he would fall if I didn't drag him around fast enough.
Problem when the character go out of the platform and falls, he doesn't die.