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Here's a thing I made a while ago. I took a tutorial from Tutorialized and spruced it up with a tutorial from Newgrounds as well. Here it is.

EDIT: A lot of people complain it's too hard. I got 45 seconds on it. The trick is not to stay at the bottom. You have to dash in between boxes, and if it's blocked off, then sometimes a block moving faster than another one might open up a path to get through.

EDIT: The music repeats. Yeah, I know. This is old. Use the volume control.

EDIT: You're supposed to die when you click. Otherwise I'd be getting all these "You can cheat" reviews.

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It was the most boringest game ive ever played the numbers were slow
the concept was boring and done lots before and so yeah.....

Kwing responds:

I love your grammar.


No rating. Sorry man, but this plain sucked. I was this spider thing, and I had to dodge the binary numbers, okay I get that part of the game. But there are too many bugs, if I click on the green part I die, if I move to the up, down, left, right screen I die, anything I do I die. I just have to sit there forever and dodge these endless streams of binary coded numbers... I'd rather watch my ant farm than play this again. Anyways, my point. Make it more appealing. How about a timer? Put a timer in there and see how long a person can last and even have a high scoring system set up.

That would be a good improvement. Even better, give the spider thing a weapon and allow it to shoot the binary code.

Kwing responds:

It freaking DOES have a timer, and the die-when-you-click is an anti-cheat mechanism. People could click and drag it off of the screen otherwise.

Fix some things

Adjust a few things: make less movie clips duplicate to start with, when you press re-try, the song duplicated and plays over another one

Kwing responds:

If there aren't many Movie Clips, it's way way WAY too easy. I know the song repeats... This is old, but that's what the volume control is for.


WAY TOO HARD how do last for more than a second or two when all routes of avoidence are covered from the get-go???? is this game supposed to last half a second???????

Kwing responds:

If you play long enough, it IS possible. I've managed 15+ seconds myself. You have to be fast.

WAY too hard.

It's like trying to dodge the rain in a hurricane, some waves are just impossible. Not a bad game, just needs a diffuculty adjustment.

Kwing responds:

If it's easy, it's way to easy. If it's hard, you can adapt.

Credits & Info

2.23 / 5.00

Mar 11, 2008
7:28 PM EDT