heh heh
Just the response to the negative reiews is HILARIOUS! "20 bucks I won't" ... heh heh heh ... some people are too serious .... you go, grill (i know wut I said)
Nobody Puts Clamel in the Corner
im late sorry
heh heh
Just the response to the negative reiews is HILARIOUS! "20 bucks I won't" ... heh heh heh ... some people are too serious .... you go, grill (i know wut I said)
yea yea
poor clamels
Albino is such a gentleman!
Why do you waste your time - be productive, really - You know how to use flash, so use it! You yourself know you can do better. C'mon man push yourself. One step at a time get out of the clock crew...
How do you know I know how to properly use flash????
Wow, that Clamel is creepy.
Anyway the whole thing is boring. But then again, I thought all those school dances were crappy, boring, snooze-fests too.
I suppose if you like school dances you might like this one.
why is this so LOL
hope u do something thats better in the future :)
20 bucks says I wont