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Space Gost

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Author Comments

I've always wanted to animate something to an Adult Swim program. For some reason, this sound clip seemed to stand out the most. The animation runs for about four minutes.

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That was very funny. The graphics were very good, and it gave the Glock Group a great return along with it. After the part where it says, "SIGNAL LOST", is that the end of the Flash? It's good, otherwise.

can't go wrong with space ghost

it's as simple as that you can't go wrong with space ghost coast to coast clips well done could use some more detail in the art work but what ever it's still good stuff


I loved it in all of its random goodness. Funny as hell

Nice one...

LOL, the movie was dumb, but i iliked it. Great Work

LollerCupcake responds:

You iLiked it? If you will, please save the Apple-NG merger jokes for April Fools Day. :)

Thank you for the review.

Not bad

the quality was good, the animations were fluid, there was a bug with the glocks at one point when you would only see half of them I don't know if that is normal?!. THe voices were well done I might add but I srsly didn't think the jokes were all that funny, I had a chuckle at the self destruct sequence at the end but I wasn't laughing my ass off or anything major. In my opinion work a little on the jokes and this could of been well a great Flash.

LollerCupcake responds:

Yeah I didn't do too badly considering the audio was made by a production company with which I hold absolutely no affiliation.

The so-called half glock bug is likely either the result of an outdated flash player, or it was when Dr Pepper and Mushroom were expressing annoyance on their behalf (behalves?). Emotion is a bit difficult to replicate when your characters don't have (traditional) faces.

Credits & Info

4.27 / 5.00

Mar 6, 2008
9:54 PM EST