It's alright
It's too long. If you aren't going to have stuff blowing up and/or some dialogue-driven action sequences, then it needs to be shorter.
(Sorry, i don't speak too much English) This is my first work of all my life. Note that maybe will not be very well sinchronized, because i don't have a good computer. I'll be updating this animation, and maybe i'll make another "Cheapytune"
It's alright
It's too long. If you aren't going to have stuff blowing up and/or some dialogue-driven action sequences, then it needs to be shorter.
It is your first one and it was nice, I mean, I don't even know how to use flash so what can I say?
It was well sinchronized but it was too damn long, really, try to make it shorter and less repetitive...
Pretty good
I like the song, and the flash itself it put together pretty well. I like how you kept it from getting repetative. Keep it up!