shit changed me man
I know, I know, the graphics suck. But the song is funny. To bad I could not use the whole thing. You can get the song from Napster. Just search for Bill Clinton. And please right a review, i like to read them. Thanks. (Some one else made a much better version of this. I discovered this after I submited this one)
shit changed me man
Very poorly done.
It was just done really poorly, a pasted image of Bill Clinton with a black circle on his mouth to make it look like he's singing the song that's playing, with the pasted image being in the middle of a stage that you drew. A normal pasted image made to look like it's singing movie would have been bad enough, but this was especially bad, as he didn't have a body or any arms, so it was just his head and part of his upper body on the stage, you even had the picture with the background still around him. If you were going to do a movie to that song you should have made there be something visually interesting happening and had something eventful taking place. You also should have made it longer andused the whole song, as this was just really short and not long after it had started it was all over.
Peace Out, Afro Stud
I think the song is funny.
this needs to be longer aneeds some ajustments to be better.
make it loonger u sick sack of humor!
that song suck ass. i just gave u creit for having one. when i should not even have.