I like it!
You have a good style of drawing, and the audio was superb. The idea wasn't bad eithe. Great job!
this really happened,not to me,but to a friend.
thou,i see them turkeys lurking.
I like it!
You have a good style of drawing, and the audio was superb. The idea wasn't bad eithe. Great job!
Good job
I liked it. I would be pretty shocked to see that happen driving the road one night. One thing though, You got a little white border on the left side of your movie. I think you can get rid of this by making your art overlap the movie area just a little bit.
its good but its hard to hear him talking and the mouth is not the same like the voice needs more work but in total its good
I find the artwork very nice, and sound was good too. I can't really tell much
Really isn't anything to be saved
I didn't enjoy this too much. I felt it to be a bit odd and unnecessary. The whole turkey idea was a bit funny for about three seconds, but honestly, this is nothing that should be kept here in newgrounds.