The auditor was hilarious
Full title is Madness Combat Failed Scenes
Don't think that this is next episode of Krinkels Madness Combat . In this movie I tried to copy some scenes and change them a little. Be sure that you watched Madess Combat 1,2,3,4,8 episodes. All created by Krinkels permission. I hope you'll like it, so enjoyyyy! LOLOLOL
PS. It can be a little laggy.......... don't know why
The auditor was hilarious
oditor:[shoots] do do diy di doh
the 2 guys belo me are right, you should have eyes for auditor more fails for jesus and clown. but still extreamely funny.
i enjoyed it but wheres the failz for clown??? Lol funny still
Need more fails for Jevus...
Need eyes for the auditor. Otherwise, Great