H8rs gonna h8
Yea, i dont know about you, but that was amazing, and i literally Rofl'd.
Oh no the kitty krew maed a mean video about us ):
H8rs gonna h8
Yea, i dont know about you, but that was amazing, and i literally Rofl'd.
i agree
with ricky the fish that you arent helping anything byu doing this and the KK thrives on people saying they hate the kitty krew the best thing to do is to ignore them.
Fuck the KK.
The L* are the shit.
Lucky Star is epic.
I hate KK...
I hate Kitty Krew as much as the next person, so I agree they suck and should stop what they are doing. But first off, this submission isn't helping anything; quite possibly, it's actually worsening things. Also, Tsukasa Hiiragi, do you really need to stroke your ego so much that you have to mention your name on "Made By: Tweens By: Uploaded By: Written By:" etc. You even said something like "Starring: Tsukasa Hiiragi and others." If you have co-contributors, at least give them credit in the Flash and stop stroking your own ego so much.
u guys are just making urselfs look bad, please dont stoop to the Kitty Krew's level.
we already have enough spammers on this site.
I don't know english well I am sorry )=