Wow made alot of sence.
Somebody is right about the world and its sheepVpower!
please dont get offendid by this.
i dont mean to insult anyone
please whatch the whole thing and dont vote on the animation(cus there is almost none)
but please do vote on if you agree with me or not
and if you dont understand please dont vote at all
feel free to comment. i wil try to reply to all the reviews
and sorry for the english
Wow made alot of sence.
Somebody is right about the world and its sheepVpower!
Nice ^^
Oh! Interesting ^^
Yep, I totally agree! That's why I don't believe that there are bad or good people, because some people can think someone is a good person, while the others may think that person is a bad person. We're all born with good and bad traits and we all have different opinions, everyone. Even the reviews here are a shining example of this. Some don't appreciate this submission because it has nothing to do with animation, others, like me, accepted it. Whether we are wrong or the others are wrong, lies within the view of the observator himself.
Nice submission ^^
you put it in a nice way. =)
happy to hear you liked it.
thnx for the review, and the time you put into it
I hate to say it but.......
I can't find anything against you on that.
This isn't poetry..
Good piece of english, but in future do some flash animation rather than tweening some text..
yea.. i thought people woulndt like this.. the slow moving text.. but i thought i should try to make a something that passes jugment only on its mesgae and not the animation.. i am now working on something people can fil there own mesage in it wil be just animation.. i want to see whats works best for me.
(i was working on it. never finished it.)(updated 26-7-08)
your point is valid, but...
think about some of the things you said in this flash. as nthnclls said, arrogance isn't always bad. if people were never arrogant, we would not have such diverse cultures, such beautiful works of art, both modern and ancient, we would not have independence, we would not have such great innovative objects, inventions, and such, I.E. we would not have gone to the moon (at least not as early) without arrogance, wanting to be the first to step onto another planet.
on the OTHER hand, things could be much better without arrogance. we would not have wars, we would not fight, we would be a more helpful community, ect. arrogance isn't always bad. think about that.
by the way, 5/5, 10/10
i am not saying being arrogant is always a bad thing and not saying it is a good thing at all but, like what i sad in the flash, people should work together dispite there believes thoughst or theories.
keep doing the things you do best to improve the world and find a way to start doing other thing that will improve things. and not just keep being arrogant and keep doing all the stuff you do)perhaps you could) but then you need to start doing stuf to improve the world for you and others.