This will never live up to KK's BFK.
(9^w^)9 Q(^w^Q)
(9^w^)-o Q(>w^Q)
(9^w<)9 o-(^w^Q)
(9^w^)9 Q(^w^Q)
(9>w<)9 o-(^w^Q)
(XwX) d>w
This will never live up to KK's BFK.
kinda random but liked the song
kurayami needs a life.
why can't (s)he understand that canadiens americans and brittins are not the only people who goes on this? sheesh. and btw this movie sucks ass.
Oooookaaaaayyy.... A little freaked out here...
Not only do the new cartoons on TV coming out have tons of Japanese Animation/Name/Title/Etc. elements in them, it's starting to dominate Newgrounds too.
WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE WRITE STUFF IN ENGLISH!? I'm sorry, but (Warning: The following text contains opinionated [onion-ated?] words and is not to be taken TOO seriously, unless it's fact... then take it seriously...) the majority of viewers (and people registered) are American/And, Or, Canadian/And, Or, British. If you can't put in English text for people to understand, then you aren't deserving of a good score. Not everyone is Truly Geek enough to care about learning another written language just so they can understand what is being written in a stupid movie. And the only good part was the first part, you know, right after the preloader.
Its different... Not very good animation and nothing moves apart from tweening, I mean, I liked the drawings but... Myabe you should look at a few tutorials? Then maybe your work could e promising.. =s
I've been doing this stuff for over two years. I don't need a tutorial.