I prefered the first one...
But it was still GREAT! Check out my lawn tresspasser video lololol
I spent several months on this flash and I truly feel this is my greatest work yet! I worked very hard on all of the artwork and animation to truly make this the best it could be.
I know you will enjoy this!
I prefered the first one...
But it was still GREAT! Check out my lawn tresspasser video lololol
I was moved, this was truly a well written story. What inspired you to make it? LOL
what the...
very strange, the 'graphics' weren't that good, you may want to work on them, and for your next entry could you have at least part of a storyline? :]
i like randomness, but not too much.
made me chuckle
definitely a random animation but also pretty funny. I hope you didnt work too long on it though cause the drawings were bad
Not the best flash ever
This was pretty random as well as stupid. There were few funny parts in the movie and a lack of story. While having a completely random story can work out well at times, this wasn't one of those times.