If I had some pot that would make dogs talk and pirates and ninjas show up and everything everyone said turn into floating letters above their heads, I would sell that shit and make a fortune
well this has been sitting on my shelf for a while now and I decided to finish it for a school project so please enjoy
If I had some pot that would make dogs talk and pirates and ninjas show up and everything everyone said turn into floating letters above their heads, I would sell that shit and make a fortune
fo sho that would be intense
p-i-c-o-l-o-c-k is a douchebag lol
he/she is kind of gay for trying to turn a simple school project in to a newgrounds riot or something. idk must be a hippie. "Oh but that shouldn't matter to you, seeing as you are so easily influenced by corporate funded government advertisements" never say that again caz its dumb, maybe you aren't influenced enough by corporate funded government advertisements, dam communist get out of what ever country your in anti capitalist bastard lol sry if i come off mean but your gay.
hell yeah he is a douchebag
Funny, but hardly accurate.
As long as this wasn't intended to be an anti-marijuana flash, I can't see anything wrong with it. It was definitely amusing, but I dare say that smoking pot and talking to your dog implicates that one has problems in the first place, regardless how much or how little they smoke.
Whatever the case, the prospect of a ninja coming to kill me on commission of my dog was a little amusing to think about. Not bad, but it would have gotten a higher (oh snap, a pun) or even possibly lower review from me if it had actually clarified its stance on the Anti-Drug campaign.
Loved it!
I loved it on TV...and I loved it on NewGrounds! It's a good thing I don't have a dog. But my fish has been giving me dirty looks. hmm
Well it looks like the replica of the commercial with just you adding onto it, but then again your small part matches the artwork so I'm going to believe that you drew everything. Now then for the main thing of the flash... I was expecting something else out of this, but you pretty much used the same subliminal messaging that the drug companies and anti-drug companies used to make a spoof. If some of you actually missed it it was showing something stupid like a pirate and a ninja coming out of nowhere and killing the pothead due to the talking dog. It shows that no matter how you try to make an impact with an anti-drug commercial it's just going to look stupid in the end. Great job on this flash.
|| Good Points ||
*Subliminal Message Usage in Parody Form
*Great Story
*Superb Artwork (Parody Match)
|| Bad Points ||