lol the cookie eated one bit
i have the orrigonal pic of it unedited and it loks good but realy it did sound like 100% blue unicorn from charlie
are u sure u dident use it? O_O
Here it is! Hope you enjoy :)
One of my favorite segments of the 6-part Lolcat series (actually parts 4-6 are all my favorite).
In this segment, you'll find out quite a bit about the back story of the Lolrus King as well as another lolcat that everybody loves *almost* as much as Happycat. Don't expect any previews after this - you'll just have to wait for next weekend when I release the last two parts of this epic tale.
Thanks for all the support people and I hope you enjoy part 4!
lol the cookie eated one bit
i have the orrigonal pic of it unedited and it loks good but realy it did sound like 100% blue unicorn from charlie
are u sure u dident use it? O_O
OMG the cook is the little unicorns from Charlie the Unicorn isn't he?!
Lol no. That unicorn animation is really weird and I've only seen it recently. I actually tried to get into the characters a little bit when I wrote the lolcats in order to figure out how I would think they would sound. While I do many parodies, the charlie the unicorn was not one of them.
I thought it was dumb, not funny, and in bad taste.
Does this balance the ratings?
You fool!
*inserts own line*
You nommed the preshus!!!
I am the eggman!!!