Eh, it's prety good
It's two short, but it good for your first submission.
So yeah, my first madness movie, its a bit short lol.
Erm vote fairly =]
A BIG improvement since my other flash Indiana Stick.
I would like to thank blue-mess for all his help in teaching me flash ^.^
Enjoy =D
Eh, it's prety good
It's two short, but it good for your first submission.
that was pretty good please make more much more
pure ownage
holy shittaco more and longer
NIce one ;D
cool ty for the mention ^_^
it was really good, shame the easter egg button doesn't work. If it's inside a movieclip, make sure you put in _root.gotoAndPlay(frame) instead of putting gotoAndPlay(frame)
It was kinda grey but i guess all madnesses are like that
Very good animation, a big improvement *claps* =]
This was funny.You should definitely make more with the blind man. The glasses and the cane were a little off,and the flash was short. You should make another one where he trades in his cane for a seeing eye dog, and the dog bites the crotch off of a guy who is peeing in a urinal and then the blind man pees on him thinking it is an empty urinal(you should see this all from the back, no nudity involved). 10/10.
Maybe I will do that but at the moment I have another story plannes out for Madness - The Blind Man Returns, a zombie invasion and he saves the day by accident again, its going to bo a LOT more funnier. =]