Glad this is more basic, cuz I suck at animation, I just don't get it. This (kinda) cleared it up for me.
My first post on Newgrounds, my first tutorial. Lets hope it goes well.
This tutorial covers...
Basic Rules
It should only be for beginners so it is meant to be simple. I will release a more complicated one if this gets through.
Glad this is more basic, cuz I suck at animation, I just don't get it. This (kinda) cleared it up for me.
rly whats this all about?
did nt help much
i did not get much help from this and f!@# you for shooting that pic of MJ HES DEAD thats discraceful
Pretty good
It helped me a bit seeing i am a newcommer to flash. and can u send me a sprite sheet? because i cant download anything (computer problem =P ) Please =)
Dont Need to use sprites
Just download .Fla Sprites Sheets of Madness combat its more easy