wth is with adolf hitler
all he does is find pokemon and dress up like them but this time its not a pokemon 0 stars its to boring
Full title: Capturing the capturers and freers of pokemon in aproximately 800+ years
A spinoff from the 'ice Cube: Recapturing all the Pokemon that Joseph Stalin freed and that Adolf Hitler originally caught in 493+ Days' and the 'Adolf Hitler in Catching ('em) All in 493+ Days' series and the 'Joseph Stalin in Releasing ('em) All in 69+ Days' series.
This series follows MORGAN FREEMAN on his epic quest to capture all the people who captures/frees/hurts/dele tes pokemon.
This time MORGAN FREEMAN travels deep into the city to find and hopefully capture ADOLF HITLER.
wth is with adolf hitler
all he does is find pokemon and dress up like them but this time its not a pokemon 0 stars its to boring
Just short of breaking even
Random, pointless, waste of time, and not too interesting.
adolf's like "YOU!!!!!"
lol keep it up i love these kind of flashes i love the first song and every1 that give this flash below 8 is a "STUPID MOTHER FUCKER STUPID MOTHER FUCKER STUPID MOTHER FUCK!"
keep it up and such
dude just stop your anoying if its an atempt to be funny its not you should be banned from makeing anything else if it nessasary
really boring
but atleast the music is ok thats why i gave u a 4 but really the animation is pretty bad.
better luck next time :}