Some problems...
First, there's no running point system, nothing to give the user any indication of their answer's value, just a score at the end. Also, some answers in my eyes were too specific... I saw an animal with large curved horns, so I typed "sheep," "ram," "goat," etc... the answer was bighorn sheep. "Sheep" should have counted, I shouldn't have to specify what kind of sheep... I didn't have to specify the kind of frog, or cat, did I? Even though the last question was right sneaky of you. Also, once you get a picture incorrect, the "Quit" button disappears. Add in a toggle for the horrifically annoying music, let the user press Enter to submit instead of typing the answer and clicking the Submit button, and maybe randomize the animals and the squares removed (they seemed pretty static to me). Also, some photos (well, just one really) were very hard to guess, as there was a lot of surrounding scenery with the animal taking a portion of the picture in the middle, which was only revealed at the end. Maybe change out the picture of the pig for one that's more close-up.