Hilarious. I'm not sure what a GM is or what it stands for, but it was still funny as hell.
I am sure there are many of you UO players who hate some of the Game Masters and wish to pay them back. Well, now you have the chance. Have fun :-)
Hilarious. I'm not sure what a GM is or what it stands for, but it was still funny as hell.
Wow, that wasn't that bad at all. Reminded me of old school assassin. Not bad, keep it up and youll get some front page things in your future.
What a praise! Thank you! :-)
omg i loved it i have not ever sean anything like that befre now and... that is sooo wrong
Hahaha funny!
Yeah i'm a geek too so I get this. KEKEKE
Great work, I found it really funny.
Thanks :-)