Pretty Good
It was pretty funny, and i like it how u really pay attention to the comments.
Hey guys, I did all this today and I'm very happy with the way it turned out! This is my second drawn animation and it is really good I think for my experience. This one seems to be trying to put a point into the pointless series. This is about 3 minutes long and has 2 scenes! hope u all enjoy!
Pretty Good
It was pretty funny, and i like it how u really pay attention to the comments.
Yea well i appreciate how pplz actually throw in their 2 cents, I wish more pplz would.. thnx man..
totally pointless...
well it was kinda good for a new person wtih flashing, and yes it gave me a hell of a good laugh :P
Woo thnx 4 the review glad u liked it :D!
I liked it better than the last. More action, better effects, and funnier. I take it you do all of these with a mouse? Anyways, good work and did I detect a Princess Bride joke in there?
yea i use the mouse, u have a better suggestion? yep pricess bride fa sho. indigo montoya
Good animation, but pointless as u said in title! anyway its decent. Good!
lol well its ok, totally pointless 3 is only slightly pointless.. I'm slowly adding a point and stuff..
Not really good but dont bad
was a good animation (very good moviments) but next time make it faster and no so ramdom and maybe get something for be your ground xD
lol too late i already started on 3 and it is fast and ima have a very very simple background, pobably a line or sumthing to be the ground! lol XD