really.. since last time i guess ive developed a since of humor. now i realized this shit is funny.
Another sequel to the world famous love story.
A Day To Remember 3: Love Always
This series takes a lot of hard work and dedication from the writers, animators, composers and voice actors. Without them, none of this could be possible.
really.. since last time i guess ive developed a since of humor. now i realized this shit is funny.
I'm glad someone else finds humor in something made to amuse myself.
Fucking awesome
You really love blue dicks, don't you?...
Ever tried a black one yet? .. :x :p
btw; did you draw that background
Yes I do, No I haven't and yes I did.
Sweet, but...
That was nice.. But what was the deal with the blue thing with the penis nose at the end?? =S
Apart from that, the poem was sweet.. And the music was nice. =}