Fun and somewhat challenging! I can't get get past the first level of the 2nd game though so -0.5 for bad sequel.
this is my first submision to new grounds hope you like it.......... please don't blam it. I'm working on a second one but be patient: 8 very long levels takes some time
Fun and somewhat challenging! I can't get get past the first level of the 2nd game though so -0.5 for bad sequel.
Pretty good
It was pretty good for a first submission, it was addicting and fun. However, I can't give you a 10/10, since there were no sound effects. I did beat all the levels though, and some ideas if you make a sequel are: 2 player competition mode, more levels, a story mode, power ups, sound effects for the bouncing, customizable bosses, level editor, and bosses. Make it happen somehow, and it will be 10/10.
I have no clue how to make a editor, I don't fell like making a story or bosses, and where do you think I can find more sound efects
UUUHHH. sorry I accidantly voted 0. I meant 2 vote 5. sorry if it gets blammed
don't worry its ok
Holy crap! This game is awesome!
I usually don't pick stuff out of the left hand bar and expect much but this game is very nice. It's addicting and fun. Try sprucing up the visuals a bit and definitely add some sound and you've got a top notch game. More levels would be nice too. Maybe make some longer levels too.
This was a fun, nice experimental game. I really liked it, so you got a 5 and a 9. The graphics were a little bit on the low side, but this is your first, so yeah. Make a second one with more stuff and maybe a battle mode (?). Let's hope this doesn't get blammed though.
how do I make a battle? and its not my first game ever its just my first one to put on newgrounds thanks anyway