Not very original
Its been done before. Back in the 80's
i made this from tic toc tie 1 ever thing in new ex the video
i'll put a new one in it next week if i finds one,two new music files and other things to .thanks for plays
[please vote for this and please leve some reviews for it ,thanks!]
Not very original
Its been done before. Back in the 80's
yea its tic tac toe all right, pretty much it i mean its not original or anything just a plane old game u can play with a piece of paper and a partner.... the graphics were just that a options window and a board, but u took the time and the computer was pretty hard on the hardest difficulty so ill give u a fair score.
Great track just really crap game.. still a 2 acuse of the awesome track
nothing interesting
pretty good
I just plain like tic tac toe and the music and diffucult computer made me like it more.