Great first job!
I loved it, but the animation was only okay.
I started to use Flash five hours ago and this is what i made.
Please take a look and tell me how you like it and what could be improved in the next episode.
( Next one will be longer ;D )
// And sorry, didnt get the Preloader to work yet ^^" //
Great first job!
I loved it, but the animation was only okay.
your animation is crap! and if you said you started to use flash five hours ago it doesnt mean its not crap!!! sorry man next time will be better... well i think so!
I may be werid or something, but I thought it was cute! If it was longer and had more work put into it.. It'd be really good! I wanna see the next one too!
Well it's more impressive then any thing I can do in Flash. How ever for an Episode 1 I would think that you would add something more to it.
The music is nice and seems to fit the surroundings how ever when it ends there is no stopping the loop and it just goes on playing the music from the start over the music from the last start.
I'll keep an eye out for an Ep. 2 and hopefully we can see some shred of a story.
Basics are needed
There isn't much animation here to coemment on but I'll give you some basic beginners advice.
I would read some flash tutorials and practice somemore. Its not bad for a first though, mine was much worse. Don't expect to make the most epic thing ever when you first open flash. It takes a couple years to get to that level. Read some tuts and practice, after a couple days of practice try to submit something again, then repeat till an entry isn't blammed ^-^
Good Luck!