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Mouse Avoider #30

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This is my second flash project I've finished and also my first game. I put a lot of work in the overall design of the flash, I hope it pays off. I really would like to thank LilFugitive, for helping me out on the sound issues. Also I'd like to Newgrounds for hosting my work here.

Enjoy and vote 5 ^_^

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A new mouse avoider! yay it is a old-school concept but I like it!!

Nice game!

I think it's a funny game, But i had 1 time that i was run out of time. I have searched everywhere in the game but nowhere to find it... If i had found him it was a 10!

NICE !!!

Very funny game nice job


As avoiders go, that's one of the best, at least ya put someeffort into it, and it seems quite a bit.

The controls are easy. and looked pretty good, liked the mouse courser especially.

THe sound was good, and I liked the level select option, still need work though, but it's definitely coming along, good work :D

=Review Request CLub=

still a lot of rough edges

Mouse avoider games are close to my heart, as my first game (rol-ovir) essentially followst the same rules - touch this, avoid that.

The level 8 idea was fairly fresh and I did like the fact that you had a bunch of different obstacles. I liked the spinning wheel level (5?) though I was disappointed the centre part really didn't affect us - as we could just stay in the outer ring. There were a bunch of varied ideas and that's always good to see.

I played through the levels one by one until failing level 10 3 times. What really annoys me about your game is that after each mistake we need to go through the menu again before we can retry. Also, some of the obstacles seem more focused on being difficult than interesting. I'd just prefer the latter, whereas it seems you aim for both, but lean towards the challenge.

Level 10 seemed a bit dull too. I don't know if there's a bonus 11th level after completing it, but...

It seems a good effort for your first game. Maybe clean up the mazes a bit by using the subselect tool (A) to clean up the paths and have some straight sections, rather than just using a square eraser and making it a tad messy.

Also, losing whenever we clicked was annoying - I use a pen and there's just no need for that sorta 'cheat prevention'. Instead, use mcs and use a 'hittest' function, rather than having buttons.

Out of curiousity, is the number a vague approximation of how many were released on NG in the past month?

Great first game, though there's still a lot of rough edges - mainly pushing us back to the screen selection - to overcome.

.:Review Request Club:.

Credits & Info

3.95 / 5.00

Feb 6, 2008
3:43 PM EST