I think it could have had a little bit more time put into it but hey keep it up! 3/5
Sry for the file size !
First I didn't want to uploade it , so I know that it's bad but It would be nice if you give me some advice
I think it could have had a little bit more time put into it but hey keep it up! 3/5
I was bored
Alot of the animation was tweened. Tweening doesn't really give that great a result. Practice frame by frame animating some more, and not reusing all the animations. Like when he was running from those bug things at the beginning hes just a movieclip, then when he dives into the ship, hes doing a run animation, not a jump.
I liked it. It kept me watching. I'd suggest adding voice and better graphics like running smoother and stuff like that. but over all i thought it was a good 8/10
Nice try.
It was a nice attempt. When he was running, try to make his movements quicker instead of huge slow steps. Try a little frame by frame now and then too (when he turned around). Keep on trying.