To short.
I thought that this was neat, but it was all around too short! I think it would be better if you were to have made a full movie out of this.
Either way, this still needs to be longer, this was just too short and shiity.
this pongo baby is driving me maniacal
clay movie
To short.
I thought that this was neat, but it was all around too short! I think it would be better if you were to have made a full movie out of this.
Either way, this still needs to be longer, this was just too short and shiity.
Uh okay the point of this is to watch playdoh fly out of a playdoh man.
Did u use your brothers legos?
wasn worth putting on this website
i guess i deserves to be blammed
most of your other stuff is cool but this makes u look lame
nice, just a few suggestions
maybe add a few more options, like skewer, gouge, flame, shit like that.... <my nick name is pongo> asshole :P
se uno ci lavora di pi vorrà esser pagato
guardate oggi come è finita
That's a funny movie, heh, heh.
I got this on a random portal entry once, glad I found it again. Great movie, thought I reconsied your other movies.