the name is misleading
cool name but lame game
made with liveswif
I know it half way done so there no way in hell it will pass but I just really want to get some feed back.
All I want you to do is comment im not going to ask you to vote 5 just comment!
the name is misleading
cool name but lame game
but tell me what I can do better
I think it has good potential..
but as of now sucks.. Which you said would happen. This could be a cool game if you fixed a couple errors:
1) the whole "OH NO I'M BLOCKED" *right click move glitch* is bad in games like this.. I don't know how, but you should fix that.
2) music would be nice
3) some kind of better interactivity.. such as... collecting things other than 3's and up.. make like.. 1's and 2's you gotta avoid or something..
4) what's with the pac-man ghosts?? Make your own kind of enemy... (refer to #3)
ya your right and I will work on that.
thanks your comment really did help
dude just no! simple as what was the point of the game? maybe wit an intro u could hav explained something! that was just random in a bad way
I don't think you should really give it a 0
but thanks at lest you comment
I gave it a 3
i suggest you can make it a game that:
1. You survive for X:XX time.
2. You must wait till the enemies turn green then eat them and collect all rates then you win.
Anyways keep it up
ya I will work on it
thanks for the comment