It was alright
There wasn't very much content, just sticks flying around the screen. Add more too the story like different maps and a plot (ie. evil dude wants the six sticks dead). Just be creative
This is a short movie about six sticks, they all lived happy, before they died..
It was alright
There wasn't very much content, just sticks flying around the screen. Add more too the story like different maps and a plot (ie. evil dude wants the six sticks dead). Just be creative
i thought the deaths were creative, plus, considering that most of stick movies here on Newgrounds are the same(even plots), i dont give a damn changing stuff, i wanted it to look, feel and sound my way..
Not bad
Rather nice move, however your stick figures look too thin.
%u0410 %u0432%u043E%u043E%u0431%u0449%u0435 %u043C%u043D%u0435 %u043F%u043E%u043D%u0440%u0430%u0432%
u0438%u043B%u043E%u0441%u044C, %u0445%u043E%u0442%u044F %u0431 %u043D%u0435%u043F%u043B%u043E%u0445%
u043E %u0447%u0443%u0442%u044C %u0431%u043E%u043B%u0435%u0435 %u0441%u043C%u044B%u0441%u043B%u0430 %u0432%u043B%u043E%u0436%u0438%u0442%
u044C %u0432 %u0430%u0440%u0442 ;)
thin is my style.. BTW, original sticks should be as thin as a line, not a pipe like all the others...
umm idk
this movie had no meaning but i like the deaths and the music and if you could tell me the name of that song i would appreciate it!
Naruto - Wind
I really liked it
It was good and it had good music.
I liked the cheery music even though it was a bloody (ive seen bloodier =P). Its okay, not great but not bad. I like it and im glad you made it.