Ahhh, Man, the Draw Was good, But the music it's weird...
Sorry, But this isn't my kind of music
this took a while to make,but its finally done :)
music by Andrew Pants
Ahhh, Man, the Draw Was good, But the music it's weird...
Sorry, But this isn't my kind of music
Not bad
It was actually kind of funny, although it could have been much better if you had made it longer
This was pretty funny and the voices were synced up good.
Well done.
It's A Total LoL!
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehee heheheheheheheeheheheheheheheeheheheh eheheheehheheheheheheeheheheheheheehe heheheheeheheheheheheeheheheheheehehe heeheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheh eheehehehehehehhheheeheheheheeheheheh eheeheheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehe eheheheheheehehehehehehhehehehehhehee heheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehe ehheeheheheheheheheeheheheheheehehehe heheheehehehheheeheheheheheheheeheheh eheheheeheeheheheheeheheheheheehehehe heeheheheheheeh!!!!!
Weird, but actually pretty damn good. Make a storyline next time!
how could i make a story with a song like this?