What the heck is this crap? Trolls, dragons, elves, and dwarves don't even exist, and half of this doesn't even make sense. I'm sorry, but the world is not made of this. We could live without fire, which in fact is actually superheated gas (like Oxygen, Nitrogen, ect. which ARE elements) and ash, not an element. I can't tell if you're trolling, an idiot, or just 7 years old. The Periodic Table is what makes up the world, and you obviously either dropped out, wasn't paying attention, or just refused to believe school. Because the Periodic Table has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVED a thousand times over. The only reason I gave this 1/2 a star is because this could be a nice reference for a tower defense game. that's about it. The graphics and audio aren't even good, and the interactivity is very low. Please, for the love of god, go back to school.