good job but i didnt like the fact that there wasnt sound
this flash is when a young boy goes to a store and lunched a cokee bottle by acetened now the bottle cap has coused trajedy!
good job but i didnt like the fact that there wasnt sound
graphics are'nt bad
the graphics are not bad, but its far too short and sound had made it much better.. But for a beginner, not bad at all..
I don't get it...No sound
The picture moves too fast to follow. I get the overall joke, which is mildly funny.
But PUHLEEZE add some sound and music. Do what you want with the graphics. It's your art style and one man's garbage is another's treasure trove.
Stupid graphics
It is funny, but very bad graphics, and no super-genius idea.
Funny but Suks
Interesting idea you have with coke, but no voice , no music , no special sounds= WTF?
And why you do
Autor: chaos60001 (ok)
Audio: chaos60001 (wtf? i didnt hear something)