my god. i put that as on the mc, and all it did was fuck it up
This is a very basic Flash ActionScript 2.0 tutorial. The commands are well descriped so it will be easier to understand.....
There is no preloader 'cuz the filesize is so small and a preloader would've been unnecessary!
my god. i put that as on the mc, and all it did was fuck it up
as2 or 3? what did u use, and which code are you talking about
Good preloader. Although I know most of the stuff, you did a good job at teaching it.
Madness Scene Creator 3
Hi, im sorry this isnt about this tutorial but i was wondering... is MSC3 nearly done??? because i reallllllllly want to play it :)
It will come in march of this year, you could've PMed me ;)
How come it's so basic?
We must have thousands of these on Newgrounds, why not get a bit more advanced?
This is a tutorial for those who wants to start coding in AS2.0, like a first tutorial
good tutorial
and I will recomend it to my friend who is trying to learn actionscript... It took me 3 weeks to teach him how to make a play button and how to motion tween
Hope it helps him, the reason why I made this was to helpnew people to acctully learn AS 2.0, not only copy codes